The International Master Classes can be attended by singers and musicians from any age and nationality.
Students are distinguished between:


- REGULARS, who take part to the lesson
- AUDITORS, who attend the lesson only as auditors
The application form is available on line at
Applications will be accepted only after the payment made by bank transfer of € 120,00 ( € 60,00 as membership fee  to Accademia Musicale Internazionale Maria Malibran and € 60,00 as part of partecipation fee to Accademia)


Parents are liable for minor students.
ACCADEMIA MUSICALE INTERNAZIONALE Maria Malibran shall be relieved from any civil and penal liability for personal injuries to the minor, whether he is responsible for the injury or he is the injured.
To complete the application, following files must be sent by email or mail service:
- Copy of ID Card
- Curriculum Vitae
- Repertoire and pieces the student intends to improve
- Receipt copy of € 120,00 ( € 120,00 as membership fee and part of partecipation fee) bank transferred to Accademia Musicale Internazionale Maria Malibran, Altidona (FM) – ITALY
Membership fee and advanced participation fee will be refunded only in case of International Master Class cancellation.


Bank transfers from Italy:
IBAN IT62 Z033 5901 6001 0000 0017 340


Bank transfers from foreign Countries:
IBAN IT62 ZO33 5901 6001 0000 0017 340 BIC BCITITMX
IMPORTANT: please, doing the bank transfer following reason for payment should be written

Quota iscrizione Accademia Malibran 2019 - anticipo quota di partecipazione Master Class 2019


Students interested in attending International Master Classes must send the application form within and not later than the fixed date (ensure correct postage).
Applications sent beyond the fixed date will be accepted only if there are some vacancies.
Applications must be sent within the deadline indicated at the page of the chosen Master Class.
In case students want to attend more than one International Master Class during one year, the membership fee to Accademia Maria Malibran must not be paid again.
Regular students participation fee for the chosen Master Class must be paid in Euro at  Accademia Malibran's Administrative Office before beginning of the lessons.
Auditors participation fee ( € 100,00) also must be paid at the Administrative Office before beginning of the lesson.
Master Classes will start if the minimum number of regular students is reached.
Students that benefit from the accompanying pianist, are kindly asked to take with them the music sheet in triple copy.
Each teacher will plan a timetable together with the students in order to guarantee daily lessons.
Concert suit is required.
Students are not allowed to make any financial demand for their performance during the concerts.
At the end of each International Master Class, an attendance certificate will be released to students who regularly attended the Master Class.
Travel and subsistence costs are at the expense of students.
Accademia Maria Malibran, in case any of these regulations will be modified, will promptly inform interested persons.
Students are invited to be at Maria Malibran International Music Academy, situated in Via Po, 12 – ALTIDONA (FM) – ITALY at 10 a.m. of the Master Class beginning date.
Accademia Maria Malibran disclaims all liability for thefts, damages or incidents that may occur to persons during Master Classes.
The attendance to International Master Classes for music specialization implies the complete and unconditional acceptance of the present regulations.
Please note: during Master Classes students will receive a badge, which allows them to free-participate at GOLD CONCERTS of MALIBRAN ACADEMY.




For further information, please contact us at




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